Friday, December 4, 2009

Elizabeth C. Jepsen (Mary's Mother)

Daughter of Emma & Michael P. Jepsen. Ellen (Mrs. Wm Comerford) in back. Front Row: Hilda (Mrs. P. Nandquish), Emma (Mrs. Clines McDonald), Elizabeth Caroline Ipsen (Mrs. Jonathan Elbert Butler).

Elizabeth Caroline Ipsen Butler.

Elizabeth & Jonathan Butler’s wedding pictures.

Elizabeth & Jonathan Butler’s wedding picture.

Elizabeth & Jonathan Butler Both 79 years old. Taken just before Christmas.

Chole Butler & Elizabeth Butler 88 years old. 1191 Orchard Ave, Ogden, UT 84404. June 1978.


  1. I think Grandma Butler's maiden name is Ipsen, not Jensen. That's what all our info says.

  2. Oh! and this is really a neat thing. I'm so impressed I'm going to do this for my family. And I meant not Jepsen, it's Ipsen.

  3. Thank you so much for creating this! I found it on google, I was looking for pictures and histories of ancestors. I am LouCeil's granddaughter.
